Home Personal Finance These 6 lifestyle changes saved one couple $1,200 a month | Clark...

These 6 lifestyle changes saved one couple $1,200 a month | Clark Howard


If you ever find yourself spending more than you make, it’s probably because you are enjoying too many luxuries that you are splurging on.  Yes, this includes $5 lattes, $15 motion picture movies, $10 lunches, etc.  You actually can make lunch for a few dollars, if you “bag it”.  Coffee would cost as little as $.50 if you make it.  Go on down the list.

Have you already lost interest in this article?  If your net worth is negative, and the answer to the question is yes, then you should re-examine your long-term goals and priorities.  🙂

We’ve said it plenty of times before and we’ll say it again — little expenses can cost you a lot more each month than you probably even realize. In this case, to the tune of $1,200 a month!

Read Full Story: These 6 lifestyle changes saved one couple $1,200 a month | Clark Howard