Home Personal Finance Ten Things Never To Do In A New Job – Forbes

Ten Things Never To Do In A New Job – Forbes


Starting a new job can be fun or stressful or a mix of both. You’re taking in a lot of new information. You’re trying to remember everything everyone tells you and everything your five senses take in. It can be overwhelming!I recommend that you bring a notebook around the office with you for your first few weeks on a new job, and that you write down as many notes as you can. You’ll feel better about checking your notebook when you hear something and you think “I heard that before — but it was on my first day at work and I’ve forgotten the details!”There are certain things that new employees can do and say that will hurt their relationships with their co-workers. New employees don’t mean to step on toes and tick people off, but in their anxiety and insecurity at being the new kid on the block, they can easily say or do the wrong thing.

Source: Ten Things Never To Do In A New Job – Forbes