Home Personal Finance Is that ‘sale’ price all it’s cracked up to be? Maybe not...

Is that ‘sale’ price all it’s cracked up to be? Maybe not | Clark Howard


One trick that I use when I go shopping is to use the Amazon app.  Download it to your phone, and you can either search by description or scan the UPC code to price item to an online retailer’s price, which has no storefront overhead costs to add to the item price.  Many stores nowadays actually pricematch to Amazon, too.  Some stores, however, require the minimum $35 Amazon purchase minimum for the free shipping, first.

The main benefit from buying from a brick and mortar, however, is the ease of return of the item, if it does not match your expectations.

“Save 70%! Save 80%! Save 90% on retail!”Big percentage sales — though they sound great — often lose their luster after a buyer does a little comparison shopping. Now more than ever, especially with the popularity of online shopping, people love — and expect — to get a great deal.But is that deal really a great deal — or just the perception of a great deal?

Read Full Story: Is that ‘sale’ price all it’s cracked up to be? Maybe not | Clark Howard