Home Stocks Five habits of the very best investors – MarketWatch

Five habits of the very best investors – MarketWatch



As my friend, Richard Griebe, tells me, investing is simple, but it’s not easy.  It takes work and research.  It takes a strong mind and stomach to handle the downturns, and not to get too giddy in the booms.  Read these 5 habits and see which ones you have.

Most investors spend most of their time and energy thinking about what they can get from their investments. That makes perfect sense.But there’s more than that to investment success.A few investors are lucky enough to be successful primarily because they were born into wealth and abundance. But the vast majority of us have to rely on hard work and … what else?If you can put your finger on that elusive “what else” factor that leads to success, you can change your life — and your family’s life — for the better. So what is it?

Read Full Story: Five habits of the very best investors – MarketWatch