Home Personal Finance Before you waste money on that extra cable box, read this –...

Before you waste money on that extra cable box, read this – Yahoo Finance


I recently renegotiated my rate with Dish Network…getting rid of one of the boxes and saving $7/month for a TV that we never watched on.  With the new streaming to my device option, I could get the same result.  Same deal with cable.

If you have more than one cable box you’re paying too much per month.

Read Full Story: Before you waste money on that extra cable box, read this – Yahoo Finance


  1. I would argue that if you’re paying for just one cable box, you’re still paying too much. That is, you’re paying a high price for shoddy programs and a whole lot of commercial interruptions.

    I cut the cord over a year ago and am saving over $85 a month, while enjoying far better television than I ever had before.